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Showing posts from February, 2021

A start-up gist to Ethereum DApps, its features, and the types to build one for your start-up!

Our world is now digitalized and we have the freedom of working from home and getting things delivered to home. All thanks to the efforts made by technologists to tackle even the pandemic crises seamlessly from the comfort of home. The complete digitalization and quick process made us transact money from home with mobile taps and the data is shared across the globe within milliseconds. It would be bliss if the fintech world is equipped with a very minimal workforce and low transaction costs. The same goes with other industries and it would be much more encrypted if the user authenticates and revokes the access to their information for the third-parties with certain permissions.      Yes! Everything would be made possible with blockchain  DApps  for your enterprise. In this blog post, let’s discuss a basic knowledge of Decentralized Applications( DApps )!     A glimpse on  DApps !   Decentralized Applications( DApps ) are the applications that are built on top of the blockchain network