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Impact of blockchain in financial services

The blockchain technology uses cryptography and distributed databases to record transactions. 

The data are stored in an immutable way in an ever-growing system that contains interlinked ledgers, which are all synced with the same information. 

Although blockchain technology is still naive, it’s a cryptographic decentralized, secure system that has created positive impacts in many sectors, especially in the core banking and financial industry.

Few banks have already implemented blockchain technology for strengthening their business and maximizing business profits and have a surplus international currency.

Now let us discuss the key impact areas in the banking sector.


Key impacts of blockchain in the banking sector.

Complete transparency and mitigation of data redundancy

Blockchain technology's uniqueness lies in its decentralized series of independent and interlink nodes module, which records the data in the ledger format and makes sure that there is no compromise on the user's data. 

Blockchain technology ensures maximum transparency, and there is no duplication or loss of key information. In simple terms, the data is highly encrypted by using blockchain technology. 

Faster access to all transactions

Blockchain technology provides an end-to-end security system, and hence there will be a reduction in transaction time. 

The present payment system takes almost more than 24 to 48 hours, but transactions made through blockchain are completed in a matter of minutes. 

Along with the advanced security system, the data stored will be safe, and the chance of getting hacked is minimal. 

Effective cost-cutting tool

Most of the banking sector operates on the policy of "optimizing revenues and balancing the effective marginal cost involved." Since it is a virtual transaction based on cryptocurrencies, it minimizes transaction time, eliminates the middleman, and third-party communication channels. 

Effective smart arrangement tool

Blockchain technology's most effective advantage is that it also uses some special coding languages used with major components, also known as SMART codes. 

These SMART codes are not similar to the usual swift codes used in the banking sector at the moment.


Many leading banks and financial institutes have started implementing this revolutionary technology. It is also expected that this technology will continue to impact the banking and the financial system due to its increase in the innovation in the internet of things, which is revolutionizing many sectors. 



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