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What is Crypto and How it works?

Cryptocurrencies! We all have heard of them. The high-praise and unstoppable controversies that surround them. The irreplaceable benefits and the evolution they have delivered to several industries. 

But how much do we know about what they really are and how they function? 

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer digital replacement for fiat money like dollars, rupees, and pounds. Cryptos are powered by blockchain technology that facilitates a decentralized approach to its management. Each cryptocurrency possesses a value with regard to real money. But it often fluctuates based on demand, supply, and trading.

How do they work?

Cryptocurrencies are governed by blockchain technology. The transactions made by cryptocurrencies are tracked through an immutable and publicly distributed ledger. Once a set of entries are made, they are secured by cryptography. Hash algorithms are set in motion to group those entries. A set of entries are given a header and labeled as a Block. Multiple blocks are connected in a chain. Thus coining the technology, “Blockchain”. Transactions are secured through crypto payment gateways. They are direct channels that facilitate the exchange of cryptos between a buyer and a seller.

Thus we learned the outline of what cryptocurrencies development  and how they function. 


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